Hiking In The Remote Wilderness Is A Life- Altering Experience
When you think of hiking tours BC, or any adventure trip into a wilderness area, most people imagine encountering other humans like hikers, photographers, or nature lovers like themselves. Often that is what we hear our guests had in mind when they first started thinking about a wilderness adventure in British Columbia.
But that is far from the reality of their first hiking tour BC. They encounter pristine natural wilderness and crystal clear alpine lakes. They find roaming ridge lines that cast their shadows through a sea of peaks and endless wild mountainous vistas that few eyes have ever seen. We strive hard to provide this experience to each traveler on our guided remote wilderness tours. Our goal is to reveal the precious natural world and to peer deep into the untouched expansiveness that still exists in remote places. They discover wilds that weather, distance, and other factors have made too formidable for humans to easily leave an imprint.

Hiking tours BC are guided hikes accessed by float plane that bring you to places few human eyes have seen.
Our Guided Hiking Tours BC are the Adventure of a Lifetime
The experienced guides at Yoho Adventures love to bring people into these remote wilderness areas. Here, people and signs of habitation are days away. While these locations may not be easy to access and don’t invite the faint of heart, they are like a second home to our wilderness guides. Our guides can safely and expertly bring you to unique and exquisite encounters.
The Canadian wilderness is a place where wild animals roam and the weather gods hold power over your outdoor experience. Our remote adventure trips in British Columbia are primarily accessed by float plane. We hike among the most incredible alpine hiking terrain on earth in the wild West Chilcotin Coast Mountains. This is the real deal when it comes to Canada’s backcountry.
You experience the beauty of an alpine paradise almost alone — in the company of your adventure companions and guides. It is something few hikers can say they’ve ever had the chance to do. Most Yoho Adventures guests have experienced many years of hiking around the world, but few have ever experienced the true wilderness. This is what we guarantee on our guided hiking tours in British Columbia and New Zealand.

Encounter pristine natural wilderness and crystal clear alpine lakes. Roam ridge lines that cast their shadows through a sea of peaks and endless wild mountainous vistas. Experience our unique hiking tours BC.
Alone in the Wilderness Except for your Companion Hikers and Yoho Expert Guides
When was the last time you’ve honestly been away from the crowd of humanity? When were you last able to step back, observe nature, and see nothing manmade? Have you ever cast your eyes across expansive wilderness and nature?

At Yoho Adventures, we consider it our mission and an honor to introduce as many people as possible to the wilds of the world.
There is this experience of hiking tours BC in the most remote areas on earth. You will feel that you are insignificant against the grandiose mountains, glaciers, deep river valleys and dark crevasses that lie just beyond our bubble of concrete, glass, and steel. There is an overwhelming sense that all our worries and daily irritations lose power over us when set against this sweeping expanse of breathtaking wilderness above the Great Bear Rainforest in British Columbia.
This is the blessing and value we experience in remote wilderness and why we chose to bring it to you through Yoho Adventures. For all of us at Yoho, this experience is a major aspect of our happiness and understanding of our place here on earth. To spend time in such wild places is a luxury few will ever have an opportunity to experience. We consider it our mission and an honor to help make it happen for as many people as we can. And we know, for all who do make this journey with us, the experience of hiking tours BC will stay with you always, enriching your life and the rest of your time here on earth.

Alpine hiking in the Coast Mountain wilderness of British Columbia. This is the wilderness experience of our guided hiking Tours BC in the remote regions of Canada.